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6 REASONS TO LOVE WATER... The elixir of life.

Elliot Hutchinson

I'm sat in Greece right now with a cup of typically strong european coffee (if I'm honest it more resembles clay), & it's 30ºc at 9am. I promise I'm not just bragging (much), because this week's heat has reminded me of the importance of something most of us neglect in our everyday lives. Water!

Water is the most powerful substance on the planet as far as humans are concerned (literally & metaphorically). Go 3 days without it & you'll die. Water comes in many forms including in foods, fluids & the air around us, & is responsible for our body function, brain function &... Well I'll just stop there because the list is never ending! Water is key in EVERYTHING we do, so here's a few things that will help you fall in love with H2O.

It's worth noting that, although I'm referring to water in its pure form, we attain water from a variety of places including food, drinks & the air around us. So don't be too hard on yourself if you feel you aren't having enough, I am simply saying that the most beneficial form of water is the pure stuff we get from the tap!

1 - Water improves your skin

Water is key in nutrient absorption, which means you could eat the most nutritious food out there consistently & yet, without sufficient water, your body won’t absorb all of that goodness. The skin follows suit too, with healthy skin being composed of a variety of micronutrients, it relies on water to stay clear of spots & blemishes, balance its oils, & stay glowing. Water can also reduce wrinkles with age, as hydrated skin is less likely to stretch & become saggy. So before you reach for the £40 Brazilian Bum Bum Cream, grab an ice cold glass of water first. Your skin will thank you!

2 - Water improves joint health

Drinking plenty of water helps lubricate joints, therefore cushioning them & making them stay healthier for longer. Cartilage in your joints needs water to regenerate & reduce inflammation from using your joints, especially after exercise. Healthy cartilage & synovial fluid (the water-based fluid that cushions all your joints) prevents your bones from rubbing against each other & wearing away over time. Pair this with regular fish oil supplementing & exercise & your joints will be pain free in no time!

3 - Water improves energy levels & mood

To most people it’s well known that drinking more water improves focus. But it also makes you happier! Staying hydrated will improve your energy levels both mentally through better brain function, & physically by improving oxygen levels in your blood & keeping your muscles hydrated & fully functioning. If you’ve ever had cramp then you know how unpleasant dehydration of the muscles can be, especially during the recovery phases after exercise, in which your body needs just as much water to replenish lost nutrients in your body.

4 - Water detoxes the body of waste & fights off illness

Drinking plenty of water has been linked in studies to preventing kidney stones, asthma (during exercise), UTI’s & hypertension (high blood pressure). It is also key in the immune system’s ability to get you back to full health when you do fall ill. It’s no coincidence that water is the one thing the body will insist on still consuming, even when your body & appetite are weak.

5 - Water boosts performance

Any cell in our body without sufficient water (& the electrolytes in it) shrivels, resulting in them not functioning efficiently & leaving us feeling fatigued. This is the same for muscle cells during exercise, meaning we need to keep up our water intake, to maintain our peak performance. Dehydration can have a noticeable negative impact on us when we lose as little as 2% of our body’s water, resulting in reduced strength, power, endurance & motivation. This normally rises to nearer 10% water loss in most people due to us not compensating for the extra water lost when we sweat. This is even more noticeable again in high heat, where our bodies need even more water to regulate our body temperature. We will talk another time about methods to increase water intake but if you are unsure, head to MedilinePlus for reliable information.

6 - Water improves digestion

Water is a catalyst in digestion, speeding it up, improving the number of nutrients absorbed, & improving the health of your teeth & gut. Water is used in every part of the process from creating saliva enzymes in your mouth, right down to preventing constipation in your bowel. It could even improve metabolism, with some studies showing results of up to 10% boost in metabolism, for 1 hour after drinking a glass of water (however this hasn’t been researched sufficiently to definitively confirm).

With the body being composed of 60% water, & the brain 80%, it's no shock that we need it more than any other substance in the world. Anyone trying to lose a few pounds, water is your biggest weapon for keeping the calories down! Often when we think we’re hungry we are just thirsty, so start by drinking a glass of water.

You probably knew some of the above already, however now you understand it & have the boost you need to go forward & improve your fluid intake. You can watch your overall health improve & come back to these points for motivation to reach for an ice cold glass of Evian over your usual flat white every so often. Well done if you got this far on what was a far more "sciencey" article, get in touch if you'd like to understand more about mastering your fitness, nutrition & wellbeing. We'd love to help!

Elliot Hutchinson // 14.06.2024

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