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WHAT IS THE MID-AFTERNOON SLUMP... & how to beat it.

Elliot Hutchinson

Picture this… You started at 9am & (after your morning brew) got some decent work done this morning. By 10 you were up to date, by 11 the coffee kicked in, & by 12 you were on a roll! Then you went for lunch (high protein of course) & returned to the haven of your desk. Suddenly that “roll” you were on becomes more of a crawl… or just a big fat yawn. You look up at the clock & realise, just like yesterday’s yawn, it’s 3pm again. Like clockwork! Sound familiar? Yeh me too, but it’s time to understand & beat the mid-afternoon lull (with a little science too of course).

Most of us experience the nosedive in energy known as the afternoon slump several days per week & that’s no coincidence. Firstly, humans almost never get enough sleep at night, it’s considered almost impossible. So, our body needs a way of making its energy stores last by giving our body a short shut down period, in which we see a decline in energy levels, heart rate & focus.

We’ve spoken before about the body’s internal clock & hormone regulator called our circadian rhythm. The afternoon slump is a part of it, mainly due to the release of the sleep hormone, melatonin, in the afternoon.

Lunches high in refined carbs like white pasta, white bread & pastries can also leave you feeling yawny with the spike in blood sugar they provide. If you’re aiming for energy, opt for complex carbs such as wholegrain options. If it’s already too late & you find yourself crashing, here’s a few ways to give that slump a firm kick in the blueberries & get back to your productive ways…

Hydration – Yes that’s right, I’m going to bang on about hydration again. But for good reason! Dehydration of even just 1% is proven to negatively impact focus & cognitive function, so get sippin’ people!

Sunlight – Vitamin D is like natures Red Bull, triggering an energy boosting lift in the body’s hormone levels & subduing melatonin. So, get out in the daylight for 5 minutes & return feeling on top of your game.

Music – Uplifting or motivational music is also energy boosting. In fact, it’s so effective it has been proven to positively alter your brain activity & productivity in just 2 minutes!

Change of scenery – The most obvious one of the bunch, but truly effective. A change of scenery can work wonders in giving you a motivation boost. Not always practical in the office, but if you can manage it, you’ll reap the rewards.

Exercise – The last thing we want to do when tired, but the best way of snapping out of it & feeding off the energy boosting endorphin rush that follows! Get up & move your body for 2 minutes, your mind & waistline will thank you.

Power nap – Not always practical, but a great last resort. 10-20 minutes is plenty to give your body the pit stop it needs when energy is at its lowest. If you work with others, disappear to your car for 10 mins & come back glowing!

Caffeine – Reserved for hangovers, students & the really important times… A caffeine boost will help, but only for a couple of hours before a potential crash so use sparingly. Also keep an eye on the time as if it affects your sleep that night, it could be doing more harm than good!

That’s all for now, thanks for joining me. Feel free to message us with any requests & we’d love to help! Happy Sunday <3

Elliot Hutchinson // 19.01.2025

© 2024 The Coaching Collective



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